
a76ff9c1cc33229908ba00e915e9cb806e74b612 — Drew DeVault 3 years ago 7f29427
gitsrht-update-hook: add oauth key
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M api/graph/schema.graphqls
M gitsrht-update-hook/manifest.go
M api/graph/schema.graphqls => api/graph/schema.graphqls +1 -3
@@ 18,9 18,7 @@ enum AccessKind {

# Decorates fields for which access requires a particular OAuth 2.0 scope with
# read or write access. For the meta.sr.ht API, you have access to all public
# information without any special permissions - user profile information,
# public keys, and so on.
# read or write access.
directive @access(scope: AccessScope!, kind: AccessKind!) on FIELD_DEFINITION

# https://semver.org

M gitsrht-update-hook/manifest.go => gitsrht-update-hook/manifest.go +1 -0
@@ 18,6 18,7 @@ type Manifest struct {
	Sources      []string                 `yaml:"sources",omitempty`
	Tasks        []map[string]string      `yaml:"tasks"`
	Triggers     []map[string]interface{} `yaml:"triggers",omitempty`
	OAuth        string                   `yaml:"oauth",omitempty`

func ManifestFromYAML(src string) (Manifest, error) {