
709b95dfb376245b6a4b7dc38e5d692a1b578892 — Adnan Maolood 2 years ago 136bd38
gitsrht/alembic: Remove usage of update_visibility

This method will be removed from the Repository class. Print a warning
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M gitsrht/alembic/versions/a8ad35a0bee7_create_git_daemon_export_ok_files.py
M gitsrht/alembic/versions/a8ad35a0bee7_create_git_daemon_export_ok_files.py => gitsrht/alembic/versions/a8ad35a0bee7_create_git_daemon_export_ok_files.py +1 -5
@@ 25,11 25,7 @@ Session = sessionmaker()

def upgrade():
    bind = op.get_bind()
    session = Session(bind=bind)
    print("Creating git-daemon-export-ok files")
    for repo in tqdm(session.query(Repository).all()):
    print("/!\ WARNING: Not creating git-daemon-export-ok files")

def downgrade():