@@ 38,6 38,65 @@ def do_webhook(url, payload, headers=None):
def first_line(text):
return text[:text.index("\n") + 1]
+def submit_builds(repo, git_repo, commit):
+ manifests = dict()
+ if ".build.yml" in commit.tree:
+ build_yml = commit.tree[".build.yml"]
+ if build_yml.type == 'blob':
+ manifests[None] = build_yml
+ elif ".builds" in commit.tree:
+ build_dir = commit.tree[".builds"]
+ if build_dir.type == 'tree':
+ build_dir = git_repo.get(build_dir.id)
+ for blob in build_dir:
+ if blob.type != "blob":
+ continue
+ manifests[blob.name] = blob
+ if not any(manifests):
+ return
+ for name, blob in iter(manifests.items()):
+ m = git_repo.get(blob.id).data.decode()
+ m = Manifest(yaml.safe_load(m))
+ if m.sources:
+ m.sources = [source if os.path.basename(source) != repo.name
+ else source + "#" + str(ref) for source in m.sources]
+ manifests[name] = m
+ token = repo.owner.oauth_token
+ scopes = repo.owner.oauth_token_scopes
+ scopes = [OAuthScope(s) for s in scopes.split(",")]
+ if not any(s for s in scopes
+ if s.client_id == builds_client_id and s.access == 'write'):
+ print("Warning: log out and back in on the website to enable builds integration")
+ return
+ for name, manifest in iter(manifests.items()):
+ resp = do_webhook(builds_sr_ht + "/api/jobs", {
+ "manifest": yaml.dump(manifest.to_dict(), default_flow_style=False),
+ # TODO: orgs
+ "tags": [repo.name] + [name] if name else [],
+ "note": "{}\n\n[{}]({}) — [{}](mailto:{})".format(
+ # TODO: cgit replacement
+ html.escape(first_line(commit.message)),
+ str(commit.id)[:7],
+ "{}/{}/{}/commit?id={}".format(
+ git_sr_ht,
+ "~" + repo.owner.username,
+ repo.name,
+ str(commit.id)),
+ commit.author.name,
+ commit.author.email,
+ )
+ }, { "Authorization": "token " + token })
+ if not resp or resp.status_code != 200:
+ print("Failed to submit build job" + (" " + name) if name else "")
+ return
+ build_id = resp.json().get("id")
+ if name is not None:
+ print("Build started: https://builds.sr.ht/~{}/job/{} [{}]".format(
+ repo.owner.username, build_id, name))
+ else:
+ print("Build started: https://builds.sr.ht/~{}/job/{}".format(
+ repo.owner.username, build_id))
def do_post_update(repo, git_repo, ref):
commit = git_repo.get(ref)
if not commit:
@@ 46,47 105,5 @@ def do_post_update(repo, git_repo, ref):
commit = git_repo.get(commit.target)
if not isinstance(commit, Commit):
- # builds.sr.ht
if builds_sr_ht:
- manifest = None
- if ".build.yml" in commit.tree:
- manifest = commit.tree[".build.yml"]
- if ".build.yaml" in commit.tree:
- manifest = commit.tree[".build.yaml"]
- # TODO: More complex build manifests
- if manifest:
- manifest = git_repo.get(manifest.id)
- manifest = manifest.data.decode()
- manifest = Manifest(yaml.safe_load(manifest))
- manifest.sources = [
- source if os.path.basename(source) != repo.name else source + "#" + str(ref)
- for source in manifest.sources
- ]
- token = repo.owner.oauth_token
- scopes = repo.owner.oauth_token_scopes
- scopes = [OAuthScope(s) for s in scopes.split(",")]
- if not any(s for s in scopes
- if s.client_id == builds_client_id and s.access == 'write'):
- print("Warning: log out and back in on the website to enable builds integration")
- else:
- resp = do_webhook(builds_sr_ht + "/api/jobs", {
- "manifest": yaml.dump(manifest.to_dict(), default_flow_style=False),
- # TODO: orgs
- "tags": [repo.name],
- "note": "{}\n\n[{}]({}) — [{}](mailto:{})".format(
- # TODO: cgit replacement
- html.escape(first_line(commit.message)),
- str(commit.id)[:7],
- "{}/{}/{}/commit?id={}".format(
- git_sr_ht,
- "~" + repo.owner.username,
- repo.name,
- str(commit.id)),
- commit.author.name,
- commit.author.email,
- )
- }, { "Authorization": "token " + token })
- if resp:
- build_id = resp.json().get("id")
- print("Build started: https://builds.sr.ht/~{}/job/{}".format(repo.owner.username, build_id))
+ submit_builds(repo, git_repo, commit)