
2369d4aa225d9f7d7d0b3fc77e391ee884cebf7c — Sebastian 1 year, 8 months ago 4436def
Resolve name and email from mailmap

The mailmap file is consulted to obtain the canonical name/email of an
author or committer of a commit, or a tagger of a tag.

Signed-off-by: Sebastian <sebastian@sebsite.pw>
M gitsrht/blueprints/api/porcelain.py => gitsrht/blueprints/api/porcelain.py +8 -6
@@ 20,17 20,19 @@ from srht.validation import Validation
porcelain = Blueprint("api_porcelain", __name__)

# See also gitsrht-update-hook/types.go
def commit_to_dict(c):
def commit_to_dict(c, repo):
    author = repo.author(c)
    committer = repo.committer(c)
    return {
        "id": str(c.id),
        "short_id": c.short_id,
        "author": {
            "email": c.author.email,
            "name": c.author.name,
            "email": author.email,
            "name": author.name,
        "committer": {
            "email": c.committer.email,
            "name": c.committer.name,
            "email": committer.email,
            "name": committer.name,
        "timestamp": commit_time(c),
        "message": c.message,

@@ 153,7 155,7 @@ def repo_commits_GET(username, reponame, ref, path):
            next_id = str(commits[-1].id)
        return {
            "next": next_id,
            "results": [commit_to_dict(c) for c in commits],
            "results": [commit_to_dict(c, repo) for c in commits],
            # TODO: Track total commits per repo per branch
            "total": -1,
            "results_per_page": commits_per_page

M gitsrht/blueprints/repo.py => gitsrht/blueprints/repo.py +2 -2
@@ 503,7 503,7 @@ def log(owner, repo, ref, path):

        has_more = commits and len(commits) == 21

        author_emails = set((commit.author.email for commit in commits[:20]))
        author_emails = set((repo.author(commit).email for commit in commits[:20]))
        authors = {user.email:user for user in User.query.filter(User.email.in_(author_emails)).all()}
        return render_template("log.html", view="log",
                owner=owner, repo=repo, ref=ref, path=path.split("/"),

@@ 671,7 671,7 @@ def refs_rss(owner, repo):

    def _ref_sort_key(ref):
        target = git_repo.get(ref.target)
        author = target.author if hasattr(target, 'author') else target.get_object().author
        author = repo.author(target)
        return author.time + author.offset

    references = sorted(references, key=_ref_sort_key, reverse=True)[:20]

M gitsrht/git.py => gitsrht/git.py +14 -1
@@ 1,6 1,6 @@
from collections import deque
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from pygit2 import Repository as GitRepository, Tag
from pygit2 import Repository as GitRepository, Mailmap, Tag
from markupsafe import Markup, escape
from stat import filemode
import pygit2

@@ 98,6 98,7 @@ def get_log(git_repo, commit, path="", commits_per_page=20, until=None):
class Repository(GitRepository):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._mailmap = Mailmap.from_repository(self)

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

@@ 122,6 123,18 @@ class Repository(GitRepository):
            return None

    def author(self, obj):
        sig = obj.author if hasattr(obj, "author") else obj.get_object().author
        return self._mailmap.resolve_signature(sig)

    def committer(self, obj):
        sig = obj.committer if hasattr(obj, "committer") else obj.get_object().committer
        return self._mailmap.resolve_signature(sig)

    def tagger(self, obj):
        sig = obj.tagger if hasattr(obj, "tagger") else obj.get_object().tagger
        return self._mailmap.resolve_signature(sig)

    def is_empty(self):
        return len(self.raw_listall_branches(pygit2.GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL)) == 0

M gitsrht/rss.py => gitsrht/rss.py +3 -2
@@ 45,7 45,7 @@ def ref_to_item(repo, reference):
    with GitRepository(repo.path) as git_repo:
        target = git_repo.get(reference.target)

    author = target.author if hasattr(target, 'author') else target.get_object().author
    author = repo.author(target)
    time = aware_time(author).strftime(RFC_822_FORMAT)
    url = ref_url(repo, reference)
    description = target.message.strip().replace("\n", "<br />")

@@ 64,7 64,8 @@ def commit_to_item(repo, commit):
    time = aware_time(commit.author).strftime(RFC_822_FORMAT)
    url = commit_url(repo, commit)
    title, description = commit_title_description(commit)
    author = f"{commit.author.email} ({commit.author.name})"
    author = repo.author(commit)
    author = f"{author.email} ({author.name})"

    element = ET.Element("item")
    ET.SubElement(element, "title").text = title

M gitsrht/templates/blame.html => gitsrht/templates/blame.html +4 -3
@@ 27,12 27,13 @@ pre, body {
      >{{commit.id.hex[:8]}}</a> &mdash;
      {% set author_user = lookup_user(commit.author.email) %}
      {% set author = repo.author(commit) %}
      {% set author_user = lookup_user(author.email) %}
      {% if author_user %}
      <a href="{{url_for("public.user_index",
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      <span class="text-muted">

M gitsrht/templates/blob.html => gitsrht/templates/blob.html +4 -3
@@ 24,12 24,13 @@ pre {
      >{{commit.id.hex[:8]}}</a> &mdash;
      {% set author_user = lookup_user(commit.author.email) %}
      {% set author = repo.author(commit) %}
      {% set author_user = lookup_user(author.email) %}
      {% if author_user %}
      <a href="{{url_for("public.user_index",
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      <span class="text-muted">

M gitsrht/templates/refs.html => gitsrht/templates/refs.html +2 -2
@@ 38,11 38,11 @@
          <h4 style="margin-bottom: 0.5rem">
            {% if isinstance(tag, pygit2.Commit) %}
            {% set refname = commit.id.hex %}
            {% set author = commit.author %}
            {% set author = repo.author(commit) %}
            {% else %}
            {% set refname = tag.raw_name %}
            {% set author = tag.tagger %}
            {% set author = repo.tagger(tag) %}
            <a href="{{url_for("repo.ref",

M gitsrht/templates/tree.html => gitsrht/templates/tree.html +4 -3
@@ 16,12 16,13 @@
      >{{commit.id.hex[:8]}}</a> &mdash;
      {% set author_user = lookup_user(commit.author.email) %}
      {% set author = repo.author(commit) %}
      {% set author_user = lookup_user(author.email) %}
      {% if author_user %}
      <a href="{{url_for("public.user_index",
      {% else %}
      {% endif %}
      <span class="text-muted">

M gitsrht/templates/utils.html => gitsrht/templates/utils.html +4 -3
@@ 93,12 93,13 @@ endif %}{% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
  {% set author_user = lookup(c.author.email) %}
  {% set author = repo.author(c) %}
  {% set author_user = lookup(author.email) %}
  {% if author_user %}
  <a href="{{url_for("public.user_index",
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}
  <small class="pull-right">

M gitsrht/types/__init__.py => gitsrht/types/__init__.py +9 -0
@@ 148,5 148,14 @@ class Repository(Base):
            self._git_repo = GitRepository(self.path)
        return self._git_repo

    def author(self, obj):
        return self.git_repo.author(obj)

    def committer(self, obj):
        return self.git_repo.committer(obj)

    def tagger(self, obj):
        return self.git_repo.tagger(obj)

from gitsrht.types.artifact import Artifact
from gitsrht.types.sshkey import SSHKey