
1722324c7bd06b1f9e0a8df90192c68de5769e84 — Simon Ser 2 years ago 5c6ca3b
api/graph: use GraphQL descriptions for docs
1 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

M api/graph/schema.graphqls
M api/graph/schema.graphqls => api/graph/schema.graphqls +128 -94
@@ 4,7 4,7 @@ scalar Cursor
scalar Time
scalar Upload

# Used to provide a human-friendly description of an access scope
"Used to provide a human-friendly description of an access scope"
directive @scopehelp(details: String!) on ENUM_VALUE

enum AccessScope {

@@ 19,8 19,10 @@ enum AccessKind {
  RW @scopehelp(details: "read and write")

# Decorates fields for which access requires a particular OAuth 2.0 scope with
# read or write access.
Decorates fields for which access requires a particular OAuth 2.0 scope with
read or write access.
directive @access(scope: AccessScope!, kind: AccessKind!) on FIELD_DEFINITION

# https://semver.org

@@ 29,41 31,43 @@ type Version {
  minor: Int!
  patch: Int!

  # If this API version is scheduled for deprecation, this is the date on which
  # it will stop working; or null if this API version is not scheduled for
  # deprecation.
  If this API version is scheduled for deprecation, this is the date on which
  it will stop working; or null if this API version is not scheduled for
  deprecationDate: Time

  # Optional features
  "Optional features"
  features: Features!

  # Config settings
  "Config settings"
  settings: Settings!

# Describes the status of optional features
"Describes the status of optional features"
type Features {
  artifacts: Boolean!

# Instance specific settings
"Instance specific settings"
type Settings {
  sshUser: String!

enum AccessMode {
  # Read-only
  # Read/write

enum Visibility {
  # Visible to everyone, listed on your profile
  "Visible to everyone, listed on your profile"
  # Visible to everyone (if they know the URL), not listed on your profile
  "Visible to everyone (if they know the URL), not listed on your profile"
  # Not visible to anyone except those explicitly added to the access list
  "Not visible to anyone except those explicitly added to the access list"

@@ 71,8 75,10 @@ interface Entity {
  id: Int!
  created: Time!
  updated: Time!
  # The canonical name of this entity. For users, this is their username
  # prefixed with '~'. Additional entity types will be supported in the future.
  The canonical name of this entity. For users, this is their username
  prefixed with '~'. Additional entity types will be supported in the future.
  canonicalName: String!

  repositories(cursor: Cursor, filter: Filter): RepositoryCursor! @access(scope: REPOSITORIES, kind: RO)

@@ 101,14 107,18 @@ type Repository {
  description: String
  visibility: Visibility!

  # The repository's custom README, if set.
  # NOTICE: This returns unsanitized HTML. It is the client's responsibility to
  # sanitize this for display on the web, if so desired.
  The repository's custom README, if set.

  NOTICE: This returns unsanitized HTML. It is the client's responsibility to
  sanitize this for display on the web, if so desired.
  readme: String

  # If this repository was cloned from another, this is set to the original
  # clone URL.
  If this repository was cloned from another, this is set to the original
  clone URL.
  upstreamUrl: String

  accessControlList(cursor: Cursor): ACLCursor! @access(scope: ACLS, kind: RO)

@@ 121,80 131,94 @@ type Repository {
  ## Porcelain API:

  # NOTE: revspecs are git-compatible, e.g. "HEAD~4", "master", "9790b10")
  # The HEAD reference for this repository (equivalent to the default branch)

  "The HEAD reference for this repository (equivalent to the default branch)"
  HEAD: Reference @access(scope: OBJECTS, kind: RO)

  # Returns a list of comments sorted by committer time (similar to `git log`'s
  # default ordering).
  # If `from` is specified, it is interpreted as a revspec to start logging
  # from. A clever reader may notice that using commits[-1].from + "^" as the
  # from parameter is equivalent to passing the cursor to the next call.
  Returns a list of comments sorted by committer time (similar to `git log`'s
  default ordering).

  If `from` is specified, it is interpreted as a revspec to start logging
  from. A clever reader may notice that using commits[-1].from + "^" as the
  from parameter is equivalent to passing the cursor to the next call.
  log(cursor: Cursor, from: String): CommitCursor! @access(scope: OBJECTS, kind: RO)

  # Returns a tree entry for a given path, at the given revspec.
  "Returns a tree entry for a given path, at the given revspec."
  path(revspec: String = "HEAD", path: String!): TreeEntry @access(scope: OBJECTS, kind: RO)

  # Returns the commit for a given revspec.
  "Returns the commit for a given revspec."
  revparse_single(revspec: String!): Commit @access(scope: OBJECTS, kind: RO)

# A cursor for enumerating a list of repositories
# If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
# back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
# there are no remaining results to return.
A cursor for enumerating a list of repositories

If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type RepositoryCursor {
  results: [Repository!]!
  cursor: Cursor

# A cursor for enumerating access control list entries
# If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
# back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
# there are no remaining results to return.
A cursor for enumerating access control list entries

If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type ACLCursor {
  results: [ACL!]!
  cursor: Cursor

# A cursor for enumerating a list of references
# If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
# back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
# there are no remaining results to return.
A cursor for enumerating a list of references

If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type ReferenceCursor {
  results: [Reference!]!
  cursor: Cursor

# A cursor for enumerating commits
# If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
# back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
# there are no remaining results to return.
A cursor for enumerating commits

If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type CommitCursor {
  results: [Commit!]!
  cursor: Cursor

# A cursor for enumerating tree entries
# If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
# back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
# there are no remaining results to return.
A cursor for enumerating tree entries

If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type TreeEntryCursor {
  results: [TreeEntry!]!
  cursor: Cursor

# A cursor for enumerating artifacts
# If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
# back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
# there are no remaining results to return.
A cursor for enumerating artifacts

If there are additional results available, the cursor object may be passed
back into the same endpoint to retrieve another page. If the cursor is null,
there are no remaining results to return.
type ArtifactCursor {
  results: [Artifact!]!
  cursor: Cursor

@@ 208,7 232,7 @@ type ACL {
  mode: AccessMode

# Arbitrary file attached to a git repository
"Arbitrary file attached to a git repository"
type Artifact {
  id: Int!
  created: Time!

@@ 237,7 261,7 @@ interface Object {
  type: ObjectType!
  id: String!
  shortId: String!
  # Raw git object, base64 encoded
  "Raw git object, base64 encoded"
  raw: String!

@@ 275,7 299,7 @@ type TreeEntry {
  id: String!
  name: String!
  object: Object!
  # Unix-style file mode, i.e. 0755 or 0644 (octal)
  "Unix-style file mode, i.e. 0755 or 0644 (octal)"
  mode: Int!

@@ 315,41 339,47 @@ type Tag implements Object {

input Filter {
  # Number of results to return.
  "Number of results to return."
  count: Int = 20

  # Search terms. The exact meaning varies by usage, but generally these are
  # compatible with the web UI's search syntax.
  Search terms. The exact meaning varies by usage, but generally these are
  compatible with the web UI's search syntax.
  search: String

type Query {
  # Returns API version information.
  "Returns API version information."
  version: Version!

  # Returns the authenticated user.
  "Returns the authenticated user."
  me: User! @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)

  # Returns a specific user.
  "Returns a specific user."
  user(username: String!): User @access(scope: PROFILE, kind: RO)

  # Returns repositories that the authenticated user has access to.
  # NOTE: in this version of the API, only repositories owned by the
  # authenticated user are returned, but in the future the default behavior
  # will be to return all repositories that the user either (1) has been given
  # explicit access to via ACLs or (2) has implicit access to either by
  # ownership or group membership.
  Returns repositories that the authenticated user has access to.

  NOTE: in this version of the API, only repositories owned by the
  authenticated user are returned, but in the future the default behavior
  will be to return all repositories that the user either (1) has been given
  explicit access to via ACLs or (2) has implicit access to either by
  ownership or group membership.
  repositories(cursor: Cursor, filter: Filter): RepositoryCursor @access(scope: REPOSITORIES, kind: RO)

  # Returns a specific repository by ID.
  "Returns a specific repository by ID."
  repository(id: Int!): Repository @access(scope: REPOSITORIES, kind: RO)

  # Returns a specific repository, owned by the authenticated user.
  "Returns a specific repository, owned by the authenticated user."
  repositoryByName(name: String!): Repository @access(scope: REPOSITORIES, kind: RO)

  # Returns a specific repository, owned by the given canonical name (e.g.
  # "~sircmpwn").
  Returns a specific repository, owned by the given canonical name (e.g.
  repositoryByOwner(owner: String!, repo: String!): Repository @access(scope: REPOSITORIES, kind: RO)

@@ 360,32 390,36 @@ input RepoInput {
  description: String
  visibility: Visibility

  # Updates the custom README associated with this repository. Note that the
  # provided HTML will be sanitized when displayed on the web; see
  # https://man.sr.ht/markdown/#post-processing
  Updates the custom README associated with this repository. Note that the
  provided HTML will be sanitized when displayed on the web; see
  readme: String

type Mutation {
  # Creates a new git repository
  "Creates a new git repository"
  createRepository(name: String!, visibility: Visibility!, description: String): Repository @access(scope: REPOSITORIES, kind: RW)

  # Updates the metadata for a git repository
  "Updates the metadata for a git repository"
  updateRepository(id: Int!, input: RepoInput!): Repository @access(scope: REPOSITORIES, kind: RW)

  # Deletes a git repository
  "Deletes a git repository"
  deleteRepository(id: Int!): Repository @access(scope: REPOSITORIES, kind: RW)

  # Adds or updates a user in the access control list
  "Adds or updates a user in the access control list"
  updateACL(repoId: Int!, mode: AccessMode!, entity: ID!): ACL! @access(scope: ACLS, kind: RW)

  # Deletes an entry from the access control list
  "Deletes an entry from the access control list"
  deleteACL(id: Int!): ACL @access(scope: ACLS, kind: RW)

  # Uploads an artifact. revspec must match a specific git tag, and the
  # filename must be unique among artifacts for this repository.
  Uploads an artifact. revspec must match a specific git tag, and the
  filename must be unique among artifacts for this repository.
  uploadArtifact(repoId: Int!, revspec: String!, file: Upload!): Artifact! @access(scope: OBJECTS, kind: RW)

  # Deletes an artifact.
  "Deletes an artifact."
  deleteArtifact(id: Int!): Artifact @access(scope: OBJECTS, kind: RW)