
23e00d2139e0b29d3e3038adc883232ca6a18625 — David Florness 3 years ago 18f429b
tallyard.xyz: revamp Contributing and Future Work sections with lists
1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +18 -5
@@ 102,9 102,22 @@ select the election, join, and vote (once the election's been started).

# Contributing

Please send any patches / suggestions to david.[at].florness.[dot].com.  In the
future, I will have a mailing list for patches instead.  If you've never sent
patches with email before, I highly recommend
Contributions are welcome; thank you!  Please send any patches you come up with

Please send any feature requests / issues to
or to our [Matrix room](https://matrix.to/#/#tallyard:hnitbjorg.xyz).

Both of these lists are behind a greylisting SMTP server, so it'll take a few
minutes for your first couple of messages to get through.

You should consider everything you submit to these lists public; if you want to
contribute privately, please reach out to me directly with email and PGP or via
a private 1-on-1 Matrix room with me.

If you've never sent patches with email before, I highly recommend

# Why Go?

@@ 116,8 129,8 @@ patches with email before, I highly recommend

# Future Work

- [Matrix](https://matrix.org) bots for periodically voting on topics in Matrix

# Stuck? Have suggestions or feedback?