{% extends "repo-full.html" %} {% import "utils.html" as utils %} {% block title %} {{repo.owner.canonical_name}}/{{repo.name}}: {{path_join(*path)}} - {{cfg("sr.ht", "site-name")}} git {% endblock %} {% block repohead %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
{{ utils.breadcrumb(ref, repo, path, entry, view, path_join, stat, pygit2, humanize) }} {% if commit %}
{{commit.id.hex[:8]}} — {% set author = repo.author(commit) %} {% set author_user = lookup_user(author.email) %} {% if author_user %} {{author.name}} {% else %} {{author.name}} {% endif %} {{trim_commit(commit.message)}} {{ commit_time(commit) | date }}
{% endif %}
{% if markdown %}
{% endif %} {% if markdown and not force_source %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {# This row has some weird styles going on. This prevents the page from scrolling horizontally #}
{% if markdown and not force_source %}
{{ markdown }}
{% else %} {% if not blob.is_binary %}
{% for i in range(
        editorconfig.max_line_length()) %} {% endfor %}
{% for line in data.splitlines() %}{{loop.index}}{% if not loop.last %}
{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{{ highlight_file(repo, ref, entry, data, blob.id.hex, commit.id.hex) }}
{% else %}

{{humanize.naturalsize(blob.size, binary=True).replace("Byte", "byte")}} binary file not shown.

Download {{icon("caret-right")}}

{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block scripts %} {% endblock %}